say hello to your new best friends. We know you have tried on at least one pair of winter boots before. Try to forget about those for a second. Niseko is something different.
say hello to your new best friends.
We know you have tried on at least one pair of winter boots before. Try to forget about those for a second. Niseko is something different. When we say ?light?, we mean light as in ?people get a minor shock the first time they pick them up?. When we say ?resistant?, we mean resistant as in ?people with cold feet literally send us thank you-notes?. When we say ?comfortable?, we mean comfortable as in ?people want to wear them even they?re not supposed to wear them?. Again, Niseko is something different. It is the boot you?ve always looked for, yet, never been able to find – until now.?
Make sure you read our size guide before making a purchase.
FUBUKI Niseko 2.0 – Unisex Size Guide
All brands/shoe models are different when it comes to sizes. Please read this guide carefully before buying a pair of FUBUKI Niseko 2.0.
If you don?t know what size to pick, please follow the steps below:
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